It was finally the day we would go to real land. Thank god. And we needed it after the morning we'd had. So as you all know, yesterday was very stormy, and this meant that this morning the sea was rough. So rough. We all were not coping, everyone was sprawled on the deck, basically passed out, asleep or holding in their vomit. (Elise was actually loving it, except for the part where she got thrown into the sail post). The Captain and crew were having a good lol at us because they're sailors and this is a walk in the park for them. Not us. No way.
Finally arriving at Kas ("Cash"), we docked at a proper dock and now had electricity all the time (not just for a few brief hours with the generator). We all basically left the boat and went our separate ways to explore the town. We went with the three Melbourne girls to have a look around and find decent coffee and wifi. Kas is a pretty cool town, touristy but nice and a good place to dock. We found a cool cafe, by chance really and we also happened to run into one of the girls cousins and Aunty, which was so weird! We had the most delicious iced coffees and then went back to the boat for lunch.
After lunch we went off by ourselves and ran into one of our other boat pals who was doing a bit of shopping. We wandered some more then came back just as half the group were leaving to go scuba diving. After they'd left we were on the boat alone with the Captain and had a really good chat to him. Turns out he has been to Australia a couple of times and loves Melbourne and St Kilda. He has friends who live there and he only ever goes to Melbourne. He also showed us some pics of some wineries and the Choclaterie he visited in the Yarra Valley and we were like WOAH ITS OUR HOMETOWN! Pretty fun and after this we were definitely confirmed as his favourites. We're also pretty sure he only knew Ash's name because Elise called out to that morning when he was trying to get her attention. Anyways we got the hint they needed us to leave so they could clean the boat and we thought we should take advantage of land time, so we went to some Roman ruins. Because who doesn't need to always see more ruins. It was a theatre that had a pretty spectacular view, over to the mountains behind and over the bay. Amazing. We were up there for ages, relishing the alone time and loving the weather and views.

We returned to the boat and found the girls again and then the divers came back and we were all a team once again. At sunset we all went in search of the perfect picture/view. We went to some rocks just adjacent from the boat and saw a pretty spectacular sunset and got many many pics. It was so lovely. Dinner was back on the boat and after some of us hung around at the boat for a while then we all met back up at a cocktail bar on land. We stayed for a while all having a really good time chatting and hanging out.
Why the green face? |
We returned to boat as it started to get chilly and tucked into bed for the night.
Xoxo A&E
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